Sun Nov 19 2023 8 Min read

What is Bun? Unveiling the Fast, All-in-One JavaScript Toolkit

Redefining JavaScript development for speed and simplicity.


JavaScript has evolved a lot, going from a tool for making web pages cooler to a full-fledged programming language. Nowadays, we've got updates to the language, TypeScript gaining popularity, JSX being everywhere, and a need for lightweight runtimes for edge computing. Meet Bun, a new JavaScript runtime made for the modern world. It's fast, has built-in bundling and transpiling, and excellent support for TypeScript and JSX. Think of it as a competitor to Node.js and Deno, built on the speedy JavaScriptCore engine. This article will dive into Bun's main features, how it performs compared to other runtimes, and a guide on how to use it in your projects, pointing out what it's great at and where it could improve.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Bun?
  2. Bun’s Performance
  3. How to install Bun?
  4. How to start a Bun project?
  5. Bun vs Node.js
  6. How to install packages with Bun?
  7. Conclusion

What is Bun?

Bun is an all-in-one toolkit for JavaScript and TypeScript applications, providing a fast JavaScript runtime designed as a drop-in replacement for Node.js. It is written in Zig and powered by JavaScriptCore, resulting in significantly reduced startup times and memory usage.

The bun command-line tool includes features such as a test runner, script runner, and Node.js compatible package manager, all of which are faster than existing tools. Bun supports TypeScript and JSX out of the box and aims for compatibility with both ESM and CommonJS, as well as implementing standard Web APIs.

It is designed as a faster, leaner, and more modern alternative to Node.js, with ongoing efforts to achieve full compatibility with Node.js globals and modules. The long-term goal is to serve as a comprehensive toolkit for building JavaScript/TypeScript apps, encompassing a package manager, transpiler, bundler, script runner, test runner, and more.

Bun’s Performance

Bun is the new contester in the realm of JavaScript runtimes, meaning that the two most suitable comparisons for it should be Node.js and Deno.

According to Bun’s official site Bun is around five times faster than Node.js and twice as fast as Deno for server-side rendering.


Throughout a very detailed evaluation of Bun’s performance compared to Node.js through a series of benchmarks, initially, Bun shows impressive speed, particularly in simple tasks like a "Hello World" scenario. However, as the complexity of tasks increases, Bun's initial advantage diminishes.

In the "dummy framework test", Bun proves to be consistently two times faster than Node.js across different scenarios, maintaining commendable Requests Per Second (RPS) figures. However, when evaluating a QR code generator API, the results are surprising. Despite initial expectations, Bun lags behind Node.js in performance, with both platforms achieving a mere 50 RPS in the QR generator API scenario.

The article discusses potential arguments, including the test system being a MacBook and the intensive nature of QR code generation. Despite the unexpected outcome of the QR generator API test, Bun is acknowledged for its superior performance in less resource-intensive scenarios.

In a nutshell, Bun outperforms Node.js and Deno in terms of requests per second and database operations. It excels in handling concurrent connections, achieving significantly higher speeds. While there may be debates about the test scenarios, Bun consistently emerges as the winner. Its focus on speed is evident in performance tests, including server-side rendering, WebSocket chat servers, and loading large tables. Bun uses JavaScriptCore, found in Safari, and is designed to start quickly, making it ideal for dynamically scaling applications. Ongoing efforts aim to further enhance its speed and efficiency.

How to install Bun?

Before you jump into the installation process, it's crucial to mention that currently, only the Bun runtime is compatible with Windows. For a detailed guide on installing Bun on Windows, take a look at this article.

For Linux and macOS users, the setup is quite easy:

curl -fsSL | bash

Once Bun’s installed, the simplest method to confirm a successful installation is by checking the version:

bun --version

How to start a Bun project?

Let’s see how Bun works with a real example. First, choose a folder you would like to start your project in. Then use the following command to add Bun to it:

bun init

You will be asked to add a name to your package, or if you’re fine with what you’ve named your project folder previously, you can just leave it empty and hit enter.

The next data you will be required to add is the entry point to your project. By default, it will assume you’ll use TypeScript. If that’s the case, a tsconfig.json file will be added. If you plan on using JavaScript, no problem. Just enter a name with a .js extension and you’re good to go. Of course, in this case, a jsconfig.json file will be generated.


Initially, you will be granted a file with a console message.

To execute your source file, enter the following command:

bun run index.ts

Bun allows direct execution of .ts and .tsx files without extra configuration. It internally transpiles TypeScript files to JavaScript before execution. While it doesn't typecheck files, transpiling might not be necessary for production as Bun handles it internally. However, if using Bun for development and targeting Node.js or browsers in production, transpiling is still required.
You can run your .js and .jsx files the exact same way.

A quick side note here. Bun allows different ways to run your projects. For example, you can ignore the run keyword and use the following line:

bun index.ts

Or, if you’d prefer to have your own keyword instead of having to enter the file name all the time, you can add the following to the package.json file:

"scripts": {
    "start": "bun run index.ts"

Having a start script really minimizes the effort of execution:

bun start

Bun vs Node.js

Bun offers a comprehensive toolkit with enhanced features, emphasizing speed, compatibility, and streamlined development workflows compared to Node.js, that’s what the following table represents more in detail:

Feature Bun Node.js
Runtime Language Written in Zig Primarily written in C++
JavaScript Engine JavaScriptCore (JSC) V8
Startup Speed Up to 4x faster Slower startup due to V8's optimization
Transpiler Integrated transpiler for .js, .ts, etc. Requires external TypeScript transpilation
Module System Supports both CommonJS and ES modules Traditionally associated with CommonJS
Web APIs Support Built-in support for Web standard APIs Limited native support until Node.js v18
Hot Reloading Supports in-place code changes Disruptions in connections for Node.js
Package Manager Built-in, significantly faster npm, slower installation speeds
Bundler Integrated bundler with JavaScript macros Relies on third-party tools like Webpack
Test Runner Built-in test runner compatible with Jest Traditionally relies on Jest for testing

Let's set up a basic HTTP server, responding differently based on the requested URL path. The server listens on port 3000 and, when a request is received, it parses the URL and checks the path. If the path is '/', it responds with 'Home page!'; for '/blog', it responds with 'Blog!'. If the path doesn't match, it returns a 404 Not Found status.

const server = Bun.serve({
    fetch(req) {
        const url = new URL(req.url);
        if (url.pathname === "/") return new Response("Home page!");
        if (url.pathname === "/blog") return new Response("Blog!");
        return new Response("404 Not Found");
console.log(`Listening on http://localhost:${server.port}`);

The same basic server code would look like this in node.js:

import * as http from 'http';
import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';

const server = http.createServer((req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
  const url = new URL(req.url || '', 'http://localhost:3000');

  if (url.pathname === '/') {
    res.end('Home page!');
  } else if (url.pathname === '/blog') {
  } else {
    res.statusCode = 404;
    res.end('404 Not Found');

const PORT = 3000;

server.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Server listening on http://localhost:${PORT}`);

Now, a couple of things can be recognized quite fast comparing the two codes:

Creating a Server:

  • Bun:

    • Initiates the server using the Bun.serve method.
    • Utilizes an object equipped with a fetch method to manage incoming requests.
    • Doesn’t need a http import in the code
  • Node.js:

    • Uses the http.createServer method for server creation.
    • Uses a callback function to handle incoming requests.

Handling Requests:

  • Bun:

    • Manages incoming requests by utilizing the fetch method.
    • Accepts a req parameter containing information about the incoming request.
  • Node.js:

    • Handles incoming requests through a callback function.
    • Uses req and res parameters representing IncomingMessage and ServerResponse objects, respectively.

Crafting Responses:

  • Bun:

    • Handles responses with the Response constructor.
    • Provides a string defining the response body.
  • Node.js:

    • Concludes responses using the res.end method.
    • Optionally sends a response body via a provided string.

Dealing with Errors:

  • Bun:

    • Handles a 404 error by returning a Response with the body set to "404 Not Found"
  • Node.js:

    • Handles a 404 error by setting res.statusCode to 404 and using res.end to dispatch a "404 Not Found" message.

Launching the Server:

  • Bun:

    • Sets the server into motion by invoking the Bun.serve method.
  • Node.js:

    • Initiates the server with the http.createServer method, followed by invoking the listen method on the server object.

How to install packages with Bun?

According to the Bun official documentation:

The bun CLI contains a Node.js-compatible package manager designed to be a dramatically faster replacement for npmyarn, and pnpm. It's a standalone tool that will work in pre-existing Node.js projects; if your project has a package.jsonbun install can help you speed up your workflow.

The documentation also states that the bun install command is 25x faster than the npm install


Some of the bun package manager commands:

Bun Command Purpose
bun install Install all dependencies from package.json
bun add <package> Add a new package to the project
bun add <package> --dev Add a new development-only package
bun remove <package> Remove a package from the project
bun update <package> Update a specific package to its latest version
bun run <script> Execute a specified script from package.json


Bun aims to have complete Node.js API compatibility. They’ve already implemented loads of functions and packages that you can use with Bun, although there are a few that are not compatible yet. They have a list of the statuses of the built-in or soon-to-be built-in modules.


Bun is still in its early stages although it already has lots of attention-grabbing features, like its speed, the direct execution of .ts and .tsx files, its fast package manager, and its simplicity. There is a long way to go though, since it still has bugs and doesn’t support certain packages, so I wouldn’t recommend shifting all your projects to Bun just yet. I can definitely recommend playing around with it in smaller ones though, it will make a change and probably provide a nicer user experience.

We don’t rise to the level of our expectations/hopes, we fall to the level of our training. – Archilochus
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto distinctio culpa ipsum consectetur, est adipisci voluptatibus sint odit quos totam laborum ad, enim nihil. Dolores consequatur aspernatur enim ratione. Possimus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius quis rem, saepe magni quia officiis voluptatum dolorem debitis corrupti optio ex sint ipsum consectetur adipisci nam, quibusdam architecto iste doloribus? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni quam vitae excepturi vel neque illo deserunt pariatur odit exercitationem eveniet esse sit, quia voluptatibus inventore nihil nemo! Modi, corporis dolore? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur temporibus adipisci minima! Optio earum iusto deserunt, harum commodi pariatur eligendi repellendus libero, quas, beatae facere minus? Quidem deleniti autem amet!

Concluding Remarks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto distinctio culpa ipsum consectetur, est adipisci voluptatibus sint odit quos totam laborum ad, enim nihil. Dolores consequatur aspernatur enim ratione. Possimus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius quis rem, saepe magni quia officiis voluptatum dolorem debitis corrupti optio ex sint ipsum consectetur adipisci nam, quibusdam architecto iste doloribus? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni quam vitae excepturi vel neque illo deserunt pariatur odit exercitationem eveniet esse sit, quia voluptatibus inventore nihil nemo! Modi, corporis dolore? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur temporibus adipisci minima! Optio earum iusto deserunt, harum commodi pariatur eligendi repellendus libero, quas, beatae facere minus? Quidem deleniti autem amet!